University of National and World Economy
Type: University
Phone: +359(0)2 8195/211; +359 (0)2 9623903
In Bulgarian: Университет за национално и световно стопанство »
University of National and World Economy (UNWE) is one of the biggest and oldest higher educational institutions of economics in the Republic of Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe with a history of over 80 years.
UNWE originated from the Free University of Political and Economic Sciences (FUPES), founded with Ordinance N 2155/05.07.1920 of the Minister of Public Education. FUPES was transformed into the State Higher Education School of Finance and Administrative Sciences (SHESFA) with a legislative act of 1940 (State Gazette issue 126 dated 7.06.1940) and in 1947 SHESFA was transformed into a Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Sofia University.
The autonomy of the higher school was regained with Decree N 26 (the "Izvestia", issue. 10 dated 1.02.1952) under the name Higher Institute of Economics (HIE). In 1953 it was named Karl Marx with Decree N 89 (the "Izvestia", issue 23 date 20.03.1953).
On 27.04.1990 the Academic Board (AB) passed a resolution transforming Karl Marx Higher Institute of Economics into University of National and World Economy. Officially this was done with an act of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria on the establishment and transformation of higher educational institutions (State Gazette issue 68 date 26 July 1995).
UNWE originated from the Free University of Political and Economic Sciences (FUPES), founded with Ordinance N 2155/05.07.1920 of the Minister of Public Education. FUPES was transformed into the State Higher Education School of Finance and Administrative Sciences (SHESFA) with a legislative act of 1940 (State Gazette issue 126 dated 7.06.1940) and in 1947 SHESFA was transformed into a Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Sofia University.
The autonomy of the higher school was regained with Decree N 26 (the "Izvestia", issue. 10 dated 1.02.1952) under the name Higher Institute of Economics (HIE). In 1953 it was named Karl Marx with Decree N 89 (the "Izvestia", issue 23 date 20.03.1953).
On 27.04.1990 the Academic Board (AB) passed a resolution transforming Karl Marx Higher Institute of Economics into University of National and World Economy. Officially this was done with an act of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria on the establishment and transformation of higher educational institutions (State Gazette issue 68 date 26 July 1995).