"Angel Kanchev" Primary health school
Type: Other
Phone: +359 (0)6779 06770/2413; +359 (0)6779 06770/3049; +359 (0)887 216162
Website: http://ooussbz.dir.bg
Website: http://ooussbz.dir.bg
In Bulgarian: Основно Оздравително Училище За Сърдечносъдови и Белодробни Заболявания "Ангел Кънчев" »
OOUSSBZ - Plachkovtsi is financed by the State specialized, health school. Learning time: 1 daily shift.
Health school for chidren with Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases.
Health school for chidren with Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases.