"Svetlina" Elementary school
Type: Elementary School
Website: http://svetlina.net
Location: Quarter Zona B-5 »
Address: Zone B5, town of Sofia,street: "Odrin" 62, 1316 Sofia, municipality Stolichna
Phone: +359 (0)2 9554452, +359 (0)2 9202096; +359 (0)898 666-530; +359 (0)895 745083Address: Zone B5, town of Sofia,street: "Odrin" 62, 1316 Sofia, municipality Stolichna
Website: http://svetlina.net
In Bulgarian: Частно Начално Училище "Светлина" »
CHNU "SVETLINA" is a privately financed elementary (I - IV class) school.
Learning time: 1 daily shift
- Education based on the programme of the
Ministry of Education and Science with relevant textbooks for general
educational disciplines/subjects.
- Self-training based on the method of
easy training, memorizing and study for developing of individual thinking
capacities a? provided by the psychologist Mrs. Iren Sidor-Ranguelova;
Sports and individual-interest occupational activities;
- The foreign
language education system HEINEMANN, with relevant textbooks, workbooks, audio
and video cassettes;
- Computer and Internet training;
- Scholarships
for enterprising, talented and well-progressing students.
Learning time: 1 daily shift
- Education based on the programme of the
Ministry of Education and Science with relevant textbooks for general
educational disciplines/subjects.
- Self-training based on the method of
easy training, memorizing and study for developing of individual thinking
capacities a? provided by the psychologist Mrs. Iren Sidor-Ranguelova;
Sports and individual-interest occupational activities;
- The foreign
language education system HEINEMANN, with relevant textbooks, workbooks, audio
and video cassettes;
- Computer and Internet training;
- Scholarships
for enterprising, talented and well-progressing students.